Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim
As a muslim you are supposed to aquaint yourself to the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH. Recitation of Suratul Kahf every Friday is a Sunnah Among the Sunnahs of the Prophet (SAW).
Remember to fast the Nineth And Tenth Day of MUHARRAM that is Tasu'a And Ashura, that is Saturday And Sunday, 29th and 30th day of this Month. May Allah bless us in Fasting these two days of MUHARRAM.
As a muslim you are supposed to aquaint yourself to the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH. Recitation of Suratul Kahf every Friday is a Sunnah Among the Sunnahs of the Prophet (SAW).
Remember to fast the Nineth And Tenth Day of MUHARRAM that is Tasu'a And Ashura, that is Saturday And Sunday, 29th and 30th day of this Month. May Allah bless us in Fasting these two days of MUHARRAM.
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Jazakumullahu Khairan, Barakallahu fiik