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Medical Guidance & Teachings of Prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم

These are beautiful medical guidance & teachings from our Nabiy صلي الله عليه وسلم regarding uses of Quranic verses, Dua, natural herbs, food products, medicines, diseases, principles & etc under the heading of Tibbu-n-Nabawi صلي الله عليه وسلم (Medical Guidance of Nabiy صلي الله عليه وسلم). These are beautiful medical guidance & teachings from our Nabi  regarding uses of Quranic verses, Dua, natural herbs, food products, medicines, diseases, principles & etc under the heading of Tibb-e-Nabawi  (Medical Guidance of Nabiy PBUH). For example: - 1. Taking medicine at one side of mouth 2. Putting medicine in nose 3. Not doing Hijamah on Wednesday 4. Getting infected with major skin diseases on Wednesday 5. Walking (movement of intestines) (you will get reference of it in lesson Sanna) 6. Principles of eating 7. Principles of drinking 8. Nazar (evil eye) 9. Sehar (Black magic) & much more. The reference you will get in the respected lessons. For instance: - The doctor...


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim In Bukhari (Volume 7: Book 65), Aisha narrates that, "Allah's Apostle used to love sweet edible things and honey." He also attributed many healing powers to honey. The Holy Qur’an (16:69) says, "From its [the bee’s] belly, comes forth a drink of varying colors wherein is a cure for people.  Surely there is a sign for those who would give thought." Honey is not just a sugar, but also a complex combination of enzymes, organic acids, esters, antibiotic agents, trace minerals, and yet unidentified components! One pound of honey contains 1.4 grams of protein, 23 milligrams of calcium, 73 milligrams of phosphorus, 4.1 milligrams of iron, 1 milligram of niacin and 16 milligrams of vitamin C. Honey has been attributed externally with healing wounds and burns, and making the skin supple and smooth. Internally, honey is a cure-all, with specific benefits for the digestive system and as a tonic for general health and well-being. Honey, a sweet...


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim Onion remedy Here is a simple remedy available to everyone to never suffer from prostate diseases. Those who already suffer from it can also try it. It works very well. Know first that in all men, from 25 years the prostate accumulates toxins due to urine and semen which pass through the urethra.  The prostate also participates in the composition of sperm by adding a secretion that is not entirely eliminated from this gland. When the residual secretions stay there, it participates in its progressive intoxication. This will lead to inflammation, swelling of the gland and its inability to play its role, thus affecting sex life (sexual weakness, premature ejaculation, etc.).   To keep this gland in good condition until your old age, it is important to detoxify it periodically. Conventional medicine does not yet offer us anything concrete and reliable to protect our prostate from premature old age. But among the panoply of solutions offered by...

Putting Prophetic Medicine Into Perspective

 recent years, several books on prophetic medicine have been published, particularly in India and Pakistan, which do not project the true essence of the Prophet’s message.  For instance, the author of a recently published book entitled Dibbun Nabawy Aur Jadid Science (Prophetic Medicine and Modern Science), claims that Prophetic treatment of heart attack by eating seven dates, as was suggested to Sa`ad ibn Abi Waqqas (RA), should still be preferred over modern by-pass surgery for the disease, provided people have faith in the treatment of the Prophet (SAW). The learned author failed to understand that the Prophet PBUH, while suggesting to Sa`ad to take dates as temporary relief, also advised him to consult the expert physician Harith bin Kalda for treatment. As a matter of fact, it is not desirable to consider the Prophet’s traditions on medicine as similar to the prescription of a physician.  In this connection, the opinion of Ibn Khaldun (14th century AD) is highly re...

The Human Prophet (SAW)

Although the Prophet PBUH on one hand gave suitable advice to his followers on earthly affairs when such situations were brought to his attention, on the other hand he tried his best to create confidence in themselves so that they could act according to their own experience and opinions. Once, while withdrawing his advice given earlier on the cross pollination of date palm he said, “Whenever I command you to do something related to religion, do obey. And if I command you something about earthly matters, act on your own (experience) and (do remember) I am a human being .”

Charms and Incantations: A Thing of the Past. Islamically

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim  There are several authentic hadiths, according to which people were said to come to the Prophet for spiritual remedies for their illnesses and that of their kith and kin. The Prophet, of course, prayed for them, but only after suggesting remedies in the form of medicines.  Often he would advise the patients to consult the best physician in the area. On one occasion a lady came to the Prophet with her child who was bleeding because of a throat infection. He admonished her and advised her to treat the disease by using the extract of costus and pseudo-saffron. Similarly, once his wife complained of an abscess on her finger. The Prophet suggested an application of sweet flag on the fingers and then asked her to pray to Allah for recovery.  There was also an occasion when a scorpion bit the Prophet himself. He immediately asked for hot water to which salt was added. The hot solution was poured on his bitten fingers while he recit...

Hope as Medicine

There are many Prophetic hadiths in Bukhari, Muslim and others that show that people were accustomed to go to the Prophet (SAW) regularly and tell him about their ailments. He would advise them to resort to medicine first and then pray to God to get rid of the disease. On several occasions he would himself suggest certain medicines. For instance, in case of loss of appetite he frequently advised his followers to take talbina , a preparation made from barley . For constipation he used to recommend the use of senna . He was also in favor of regular use of honey for keeping fit. Similarly, for different ailments he would advise the use of olives , black cumin, chicory , endive fenugreek , ginger , marjoram , saffron , vinegar , and watercress . Hadiths on these medicines and others show the concern of the Prophet (SAW) for the welfare and good health of his followers. For even apparently small matters like drinking water, eating food, and keeping clean and tidy he also gave advice. H...