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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim  Names: – 1. In Quran & Hadis it is called as Laban. (اللبن) 2. In English it is called as Milk 3. In Urdu & Hindi it is called as dood. 4. In Hausa it is called Madara. Reference in Quran 1. Chapter 16, Nahl (sura) verse (aayat) no. 66. It is mentioned by Allah Ta’lah that from the cattle, there is a lesson for you that I give you to drink pure Milk, a palatable drink, which is in their bellies, between excretions & blood. 2. Chapter Muhammed, Verse no.100, It is Mentioned by Allah T a’lah that there will be streams of delicious taste water & such pure form of milk, which will not lose its taste. 3. Chapter Mu’menoon, verse no. 21. It is mentioned by AllahTa’lah that there are many things in cattle to think, for you, for example, you get milk for their bellies by which you benefit yourself so much, & also you eat them. Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم’s guidance about milk (اللبن) and milk products Arabic words written in below...


Names of Heena (الحناء) 1. In Hadis it is called as Heena (الحناء) 2. In Urdu it is called as Heena. 3. Latin name is Lawsonia inermis. 4. English name isHenna. 5. Hindi name is Mehandi. Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم’s guidance about Heena (الحناء) Mehndi Arabic words written in below references are the words mentioned in respected Hadees. You can confirm the references of Hadees at & Al-Maktab Al-Shamilah (المكتبة الشاملة) also. Be different from Jews & Christians 1. Hazrat Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه says that Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said that the Jews (اليهود) and Christians (النصارا) do not dye their hairs, so be different from them. : Reference Bukhari: 5899; Book no. 77; In English volume no. 7; Book no. 72; Hadees no. 786. (Means apply henna on hair and beards but do not use black colour and remember we are allowed to use natural herb to colour our hair and beard which get grey). The word (يصبغون) is used for dying the hair in Hadees. Use a dye 2. ...

Benefits of Fig (Teen) using guidance of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.

اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي عَبْدُك وابْنُ عَبْدِكَ وابْنُ أمَتِكَ ناصِيَتي بِيَدِكَ، ماضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ، أسْألُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ سَمَّيْتَ بهِ نَفْسَكَ أو أنَزلْتَهُ في كِتابِكَ أوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أحَداً مِنْ خَلْقِكَ أو اسْتأْثَرْتَ بهِ في عِلْمِ الغَيْبِ عِندَك أن تجْعَلَ القُرآنَ العَظيمَ رَبيعَ قَلْبي ونُورَ بَصَري جَلاءَ حُزْنِي وذَهَابَ هَمِّي   TEEN (Figs) Benefits of FIGS as explained by Ibn Al Qayyam; Figs (along with vinegar) are one of the best cures for SPLEEN  diseases:  تـين : لما لم يكن التين بأرض الحجاز والمدينة، لم يأت له ذكر في السنة، فإن أرضه تنافي أرض النخل، ولكن قد أقسم الله به في كتابه، لكثرة منافعه وفوائده، والصحيح‏:‏ أن المقسم به‏:‏ هو التين المعروف‏.‏ وهو حار، وفي رطوبته ويبوسته قولان، وأجوده‏:‏ الأبيض الناضج القشر، يجلو رمل الكلى والمثانة، ويؤمن من السموم، وهو أغذى من جميع الفواكه وينفع خشونة الحلق والصدر، وقصبة الرئة، ويغسل الكبد والطحال، وينقي الخلط البلغمي من المعدة، ويغذو البدن غذاء جيدًا، إلا أنه يولد القمل إذا أكثر منه ...

Medical Guidance & Teachings of Prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم

These are beautiful medical guidance & teachings from our Nabiy صلي الله عليه وسلم regarding uses of Quranic verses, Dua, natural herbs, food products, medicines, diseases, principles & etc under the heading of Tibbu-n-Nabawi صلي الله عليه وسلم (Medical Guidance of Nabiy صلي الله عليه وسلم). These are beautiful medical guidance & teachings from our Nabi  regarding uses of Quranic verses, Dua, natural herbs, food products, medicines, diseases, principles & etc under the heading of Tibb-e-Nabawi  (Medical Guidance of Nabiy PBUH). For example: - 1. Taking medicine at one side of mouth 2. Putting medicine in nose 3. Not doing Hijamah on Wednesday 4. Getting infected with major skin diseases on Wednesday 5. Walking (movement of intestines) (you will get reference of it in lesson Sanna) 6. Principles of eating 7. Principles of drinking 8. Nazar (evil eye) 9. Sehar (Black magic) & much more. The reference you will get in the respected lessons. For instance: - The doctor...


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim In Bukhari (Volume 7: Book 65), Aisha narrates that, "Allah's Apostle used to love sweet edible things and honey." He also attributed many healing powers to honey. The Holy Qur’an (16:69) says, "From its [the bee’s] belly, comes forth a drink of varying colors wherein is a cure for people.  Surely there is a sign for those who would give thought." Honey is not just a sugar, but also a complex combination of enzymes, organic acids, esters, antibiotic agents, trace minerals, and yet unidentified components! One pound of honey contains 1.4 grams of protein, 23 milligrams of calcium, 73 milligrams of phosphorus, 4.1 milligrams of iron, 1 milligram of niacin and 16 milligrams of vitamin C. Honey has been attributed externally with healing wounds and burns, and making the skin supple and smooth. Internally, honey is a cure-all, with specific benefits for the digestive system and as a tonic for general health and well-being. Honey, a sweet...


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim Onion remedy Here is a simple remedy available to everyone to never suffer from prostate diseases. Those who already suffer from it can also try it. It works very well. Know first that in all men, from 25 years the prostate accumulates toxins due to urine and semen which pass through the urethra.  The prostate also participates in the composition of sperm by adding a secretion that is not entirely eliminated from this gland. When the residual secretions stay there, it participates in its progressive intoxication. This will lead to inflammation, swelling of the gland and its inability to play its role, thus affecting sex life (sexual weakness, premature ejaculation, etc.).   To keep this gland in good condition until your old age, it is important to detoxify it periodically. Conventional medicine does not yet offer us anything concrete and reliable to protect our prostate from premature old age. But among the panoply of solutions offered by...