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Showing posts from August, 2020

Changing Old-Age Attitudes

There were several occasions when the Prophet (SAW) visited the sick, and after enquiring about the ailments advised to take the medicine prescribed from experienced physicians. On several occasions he advised the sick to approach Harith bin Kalda, a well-known Jewish physician of Thaqif (a place near Madinah, Saudi Arabia where the Prophet (SAW) resided at the time). The Prophet Muhammad PBUH, realizing the consequences of infectious epidemics, advised his companions that, “When you hear about a break of plague in any area, do not enter there and when it has broken in a land where you are, then do not run way from it (and thus spread it elsewhere).” On the basis of this hadith, Muslims considered precaution and vigilance against infectious epidemics as the command of God. The Prophet (SAW) also opposed charms and incantations as a form of remedy for diseases. On some occasions, however, when physical remedy (medicine) was not available, he allowed, mainly for psych...


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim As a muslim you are supposed to aquaint yourself to the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH. Recitation of Suratul Kahf every Friday is a Sunnah Among the Sunnahs of the Prophet (SAW). Remember to fast the Nineth And Tenth Day of MUHARRAM that is Tasu'a And Ashura , that is Saturday And Sunday, 29th and 30th day of this Month. May Allah bless us in Fasting these two days of MUHARRAM .

Islamic Foundations of Well-Being

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim DO NOT FORGET TO RECITE SURATUL KAHF today As Sunnah of every Juma'a. Barakallahu Fiikum Ajma'iin The Prophet Muhammad laid down the foundation for a social order in which every member of society was advised to maintain a healthy life, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. No aspect of life was to be disregarded. In the opinion of Douglas Guthrie (A History of Medicine, 1945), great advances in medicine made by Muslims during the Middle Ages were mainly due to the impact of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Guthrie writes, “Had not the Prophet Muhammad himself said, ‘O Servant of God, use medicine, because God hath not created a pain without a remedy for it’”? Guthrie failed to quote the source of this important prophetic saying, but it is obvious that he was referring to the famous hadith from Tirmidhi (one of the six most important collections of prophetic traditions). As a matter of fact, there are several such sayings in...

Healthy Prophetic Advices

Salman may Allah be pleased with him reported, The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allāh be on him , said   "The blessing of food is the washing of hands before it, and the washing of hands after it." The traditions (sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are rich in advice and instructions on such matters as hygiene, sanitation, and treatment of disease through the use of medication. Referred to as Ad-Dibb Al-Nabawi (prophetic medicine) by Muslims all over the world, about 50 prophetic traditions on specific ailments and their remedies have been grouped together under the chapter referred to as Kitab-al-Dibb (the book of medicine) in the well-known collections of Hadith (prophetic sayings) by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, and more. Also, more than 300 traditions on aspects of hygiene, cleanliness, habit of eating and drinking, etc. find mention in these same collections. All these traditions, which number ...


In light of this, the blessed islamic medicine (Dibbun Nabawy) portal, is glad to present this book, whose contents are based mainly on articles and features provided by reputed doctors and health specialists, to help both Muslims and non-Muslims, understand the concepts of Prophetic healthy advices and its relation with herbs. We ask Allah Almighty to guide us all to what is best in this world and in the Hereafter, Ameen. May He also guide all our relative and Muslim brothers and sisters wherever they are.


  Introduction Praise be to Allah. We thank Him, the Most High, and seek His Help and Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils within ourselves and that of bad deeds. He whom Allah guides is truly guided, and whom Allah leaves to stray, none can guide him. We bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His final Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him). We ask Allah to bless our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and all his followers, from the beginning of his call to the Day of Judgment.  Prophetic Medicine simply refers to the actions done and thought said by the Prophet Muhammed with regards to sickness, treatment, nutrition, and hygiene. It is distinct from Islamic medicine, in that the latter is a broader category encompassing a variety of medical practices rooted in the ancient civilizations of the Muslim nations which influenced Medieval Islamic Medical sciences. Prophetic medical traditions exhort humans to not simply stop a...

Hadith of the prophet PBUH.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim  “The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one third with food, one third with drink and one third with air.” Prophet Muhammed PBUH.  Narrated by: al-Tirmidhi (1381), Ibn Maajah (3349).